On Wednesday, only one set was bowled at the Brunswick Ballmaster Open with 34 players. There was a good number of foreign players from all over Europe.
Sweden’s Tobias Hogdin was the best player of the squad when he won the final game and overtook Jarno Lahti and Antonio Fiorentino who both were unsuccessful in their final games. Hogdin’s game remained consistent throughout all the six games as there weren’t weak games at all. He was the only one to bowl over 1400 points in the set. Total score was 1425 which is likely enough for the final competition.
Hogdin is playing the Ballmaster Open in Finland for the second time now.
– It was nice to play and I managed to stay out of trouble, he said.
He played the whole game with the same ball.
– I played with Purple Hammer and tried to keep the game simple. Now it worked out well, Tobias said.
Tobias is still going to play the qualification although the result may be enough for the final.
– Tomorrow will probably be the next time, he continued.
Hogdin was also playing in AIK, but he didn’t have success there.
– I didn’t make it to the finals there, I wish I could make it here, he told.
Lahti was the second in the round with 1399 points and Fiorentino was the third. They are both currently within the calculated final limits, while in rounds 9-13 it is currently 1398. To be om the top 38 the prediction is 1406 and in rounds 1-8 the prediction is 1395.
The tournament continues on Thursday with two squads at 14 & 18 o´clock.
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