Places to the Round Robin were distributed in the final step 2 of the Brunswick Ballmaster Open. As expected the level of results was very high. The best player of the morning was Italy’s Antonio Fiorentino with a score of 2006 points in 8 series. Pyry Puharinen was the last to qualify and he bowled 1850 points.
The final step 2 continued to be a scoring party. There were long strings of strikes but only Sweden’s Alex Joki managed to make 300 series. Sweden’s Carl Eklund and Finland’s Markus Lahti both managed to make strikes until the last frame but this time the 300 game was a dream for both of them.
Fiorentino played a steady and strong game throughout the eight series. The series were between 225 and 280 so there were no weak moments in his game. Joki was the second with a score of 2002 and Sweden’s Adam Andersson was the third with 1938 points.
In the final step 3 the players will be divided into two groups of eight players according to their rankings in final step 2. The bowlers ranked 1,4,5,8,9,12,13 and 16 will bowl in group 1 and the rest will play in group 2.
Group A:
Antonio Fiorentino
Jarno Lahti
Santtu Juutilainen
Joonas Jehkinen
Markus Lahti
Tomas Käyhkö
James Blomgren
Pyry Puharinen
Group B:
Alex Joki
Adam Andersson
William Svensson
Mika Koivuniemi
Jesse Kallio
Carl Eklund
Parker Bohn III
Elliot Moulin
In the Round Robin block everyone plays against everyone else, with a 30 point bonus for a win, and a 15-15 bonus for a draw.
After 15 games the top two in each group will advance to the match play.
Round Robin is scheduled to start at 13:30 and the top four match platy at 17:30. The match play will be broadcasted live on Yle TV2.
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