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Squad 4: Rami Mukkula got a place to the final competition

In Saturday’s evening squad, almost the entire hall was full and there were 69 players bowling. In terms of results, the squad was not like the previous squad but high results were thrown in this squad as well. The top three was formed by Rami Mukkula, Samu Valaranta and Leevi Saikkala, all broke the 1400 points.

Mukkula won the squad because of two final games (258 and 273). Valaranta’s points were 1442 and Saikkala’s 1437. These three men will be seen in the final competition.

Mukkula was really happy about the place in finals.

– It’s great to reach the finals here. Maybe my result could be enough for the top 16, at least it’s hard to improve anymore, Rami said.

Rami was able to play in his own comfort zone for almost the entire squad.

-I was playing from higher than most so I got some advantage, he continued.

Rami will probably be seen again next week playing qualification.

– I want to see if the situation changes because of the weather and new players, he told.

The fourth squad was also a special squad for players with an average of less than 185. The best among them was Kert Isakar with a score of 1216. As a prize, he received a bowling ball. Kaisa-Ly Lee bowled to the second place with 1179 points (hdp 48), with which he received the BBO re-entry. In third place there was Marko Paananen with a result of 1176 and he received a gift card for desperado.

The Brunswick Ballmaster Open continues on Sunday with two squads at 11 and 15 o’clock.

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